Before you use this template
Confirm that the product is for a roll fold, not an accordion fold (also known as a Z fold for tiflods)

Template Summary
Our template is 11x8.5 open and 3.7285 in x 8.5 closed.
It consists of 3 panels on each side. Layed out as followed in the template: CBB on the front side. BBC on the back.
Panel B: 3.7285 x 8.5 Larger panel
Panel A: 3.541 x 8.5 Smaller panel.

It's designed this way so that we don't lose any artwork and creates the perfect fold. If we don't shorten the panel that is on the "inside" when closed, then we have folding issues.
2 Layers. 1 is the art layer, the other is a crease reference. you can hide the crease reference by clicking on the eyeball.
when exporting, make sure to use the "spreads" option so that the fold marks actually show up.

PDF proof
When showing a proof, show the crease reference layer. When exporting, use the spread option. Set bleeds to 0 and do not use crops. It should look like this. You'll notice that the panels aren't centered because the designer did not take these panel differences into account.

When the designer readjusts the panels, it'll look something more like this with the proof export.
The Print Ready File
you can use our standard export settings
Indesign PDF Export Settings but select spread instead of single pages like the export setting screenshot above. Your final file should look something like this.