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Recommended Vendors for Products that Nonstop Printing Does Not Offer
Oh no! It looks like you requested a service that we don't provide (Promotional products/quick copy services). It looks like we may not be the best fit for your project but that's no problem! Here’s a list of vendors that we like to recommend ...
Export a Single Page PDF from Indesign
When you export, just make sure to save it as a Print PDF. In the general tab, you can either choose pages or spreads. 90% of the time we like PDFs to be in "Pages" format and we'll specifically let you know if we ever need it in spread format.
Payment Terms
Payment is due before we begin producing your order. We require this since we need to order ink, paper, and custom produce each order we receive. We accept most credit card types: Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Capital One, etc. Large Order ...
Indesign JPG Flattening Settings
For most uses this setting works well to flatten files that have image quality issues like: transparency issues layering issues Notes For higher quality you can convert the file to 1200dpi. However, higher dpi will cause longer load times which can ...
How to Create Print-Ready files from Canva
Canva is a great beginner-friendly tool for creating print-ready files. There are a couple of settings to tweak to make sure you get great print quality. Before you begin designing, we recommend that you turn on the print bleed setting. This function ...