General Book Related Instructions
How to add and adjust page numbers in InDesign
This matters when you're using page numbers in master pages so we'll quickly go How to insert page numbers Go to the master pages by clicking on the "Pages" palette and double clicking on the "A-Master" pages. Create a text box. Select inside the ...
What the file checkup cannot catch.
The file checkup is an incredible tool to help produce the best quality product, but it can't catch everything. The proof file helps catch some of these things. Digital Proof Actual Book Proof File This is the first PDF file you'll see in the folder ...
How Zip/Compress a Folder
This is useful when you want to take a bunch of different files and turn it into one file for easier and faster file transfers. How to Zip/Compress a Folder Mac Select the folder with your files in it and right click and choose “Compress” Windows ...
How to Package your InDesign File so we can make edits.
Prepare your file before Packaging Open your file in InDesign. Open the Links pallet by going to the top and clicking Windows - Links. The Links tab shows all the elements you used in your file. Think of InDesign like a skeleton that holds the ...