High Awareness Color Management
Color Comparison between sRGB and AdobeRGB
We'll take your file and "cook" your color two ways by applying sRGB to one profile and Adobe RGB to another. This only works if your images are not already converted to CMYK. In this process all you need to do is let us know which version you like ...
How to use Output Preview to kind-of predict RGB to CMYK limitations
This is definintely not a bullet proof method but it will save you time and money by skipping printing a physical proof. You will need Adobe Acrobat PRO to do this. It's included in creative cloud. Open Adobe Acrobat Pro Click on the search icon, ...
Interested in more predictable color? Start here.
CMYK and RGB Values are Ingredients, not Color Think of a favorite recipe you've come up with or learned. Think of the flavor, the texture, the smell. Perfect right? You made it in your own space, with your own oven cookware, and your own tried and ...
How to Convert an ICC Profile in Photoshop
When should I "Convert" an element? Nonstop Printing can only target either sRGB or Adobe RGB. So this would be helpful if you have an image tagged as something other than the target you select and want the colors to be as accurate as possible. One ...
How to Assign an ICC Profile in Photoshop
When should I "Assign" a color? This is a great tool to give you a better idea of the color that Nonstop Printing can target. It's also a decent starting point to increase color gamut if you're starting from sRGB. For RGB images we target either sRGB ...
How to install Gracol 2013 CRCP6
Nonstop Printing targets Gracol 2013_CRCP6 as it's final CMYK output. So if you want to have the most color predictability, you'll want to match your file to the same target. Downloads Click here to download the Gracol 2013 CRCP6 ICC Profile Install ...
How to Change a Spot Color to a Process Color
Why change from a spot color to process color? You'll get your project done more economically and more quickly without spot colors. This is a great option if you aren't color critical about the pantone colors you selected. If you generally want us to ...
Color guidlines with Nonstop Printing
Color in 4 Steps If you do these 4 things, you will have more predictable color and maximize the color gammut. Visit www.nonstopprinting.com/understanding-color to understand color a bit more. Set up your Adobe Color Settings to gain control of your ...