File Setup Advanced Topics
Figma Exports
In figma you can try to get the "Print for Figma" plugin but I think you have to start there. If you already have something made, then use the export at the bottom left corner. download as JPG at 4x for maximum resolution. We can resize no problem.
How to rasterize complex vector objects
We cannot print extremely intricate vector objects. This happens most commonly with arcitectural drawings. There are many ways to rasterize but the following are a couple of techniques. Illustrator Click the Effects menu in the top horizontal ...
How to Package a File in InDesign In this video, I will show you how to package files in InDesign. Packaging a file allows you to share it with others, ensuring that they have all the ...
AI Tools for Client Use
The tools below are things we found that we thought might be helpful. Use them at your own risk. The files you upload may be used to enhance their algorithms and the content may be used for others without your permission. Upscale.Media Client used ...
8.5x11 Roll Fold (also known as U Fold) Template
Before you use this template Confirm that the product is for a roll fold, not an accordion fold (also known as a Z fold for tiflods) Template Summary Our template is 11x8.5 open and 3.7285 in x 8.5 closed. It consists of 3 panels on each side. Layed ...
How to restructure CMYK curves uniformly. Great for Black and White Challenges
Nonstop Printing now has software to do this automatically yay! So this would only be for very specific circumstances. When were printing black and white images, most of the time we try to convert the image to print black only. This provides a true ...
Stroke Thickness Guidlines for Embossing, Debossing, Foil Stamping, and Letterpressing
Embossing and Debossing Minimum Stroke thickness - 1 point Letterpress Minimum Stroke Thickness - .25 point Foil Stamping Minimum Stroke Thickness - .25 point Quick Way to Check Your Stroke Thickness Pull your file into illustrator Create a line and ...
Deboss/ Emboss/ Foil Stamp Impressions on Back of Paper
When debossing, embossing, or foil stamping with a deep impression, a mirror image of the impression will appear on the back side of the card. Consider the artwork on the back side of the card in the impression area. To remove the impression, we can ...
How to set up a file to print Silver Ink only in Photoshop
Note: This is for printing with silver ink only. It's a great way to print on darker papers as the silver is opaque enough to show well. This works when the file is set up so that the items that you want in silver are in black like the example below. ...
Indesign JPG Flattening Settings
For most uses this setting works well to flatten files that have image quality issues like: transparency issues layering issues Notes For higher quality you can convert the file to 1200dpi. However, higher dpi will cause longer load times which can ...
How to Outline Text in Illustrator and InDesign
In Illustrator, right click on the text box and click on "create outlines". In Indesign, select the text to outline. On the menu bar click "Type", then click "Create Outlines". What is outlining text? Outlining text is created by converting text made ...
How to JPEG (JPG) Flatten Files
Some files have elements that cause print issues. Some issues we've seen are: artifacts appearing within an image loss of an entire image loss of certain layers transparency issues Details lost. One of the most effective ways we have found to ...
Using Output Preview to Check Spot Colors
This is one of our most used tools for more technical projects. Using output preview helps us quickly determine if a file is set up correctly for spot color processes. Requirements: Adobe Acrobat and a PDF file. Open adobe acrobat and select tools on ...
White Ink File Setup in Photoshop
Photoshop Training video You can use photoshop when we do not have vector artwork for assets. The main difference between InDesign/illustrator vs. photoshop: it’s all ...