FaQs & How We Operate
ACH Bill.com Payment
We offer getting payment through Bill.com. We also accept ACH but we prefer Bill.com due to the streamlined process. Add us using the link below https://app01.us.bill.com/network/nonstopprintinginc Advantages: it's free to pay us through this ...
Sustainability Statement
We're working on it but here's some resources that we're looking into. Two Sides North America https://twosidesna.org/ FSC Certification Website https://fsc.org/en Green Seal Certification Website https://greenseal.org/splash/ SFI Website (Forest ...
Why does it cost so much to print low quantity items? Why are you so expensive in general?
We understand and empathize potential frustrations you have with our pricing. We think about this question a lot and we know it's one of our biggest barriers to helping more people. Ultimately, we hyper-focus on being a place where you can expect ...
Art Center Student FAQ
Hi Art Center! We're honored that you guys give us a chance to work with you! As most of you know, we're a small team so we only have a certain amount of bandwidth but we created this FAQ to help answer some of the most common questions we receive. ...
Having trouble seeing or processing payment?
We will send an email through our system with a link to pay. Check your spam if you don't see it in your inbox. If you see a button that says "Cancel All", click it and you'll be able to pay. It may look something like the below. just click on the ...
How to Create Print-Ready files from Canva
Canva is a great beginner-friendly tool for creating print-ready files. There are a couple of settings to tweak to make sure you get great print quality. Before you begin designing, we recommend that you turn on the print bleed setting. This function ...
Print IQ User Registration
Visit the below site to create an account. https://nonstopprinting.printiq.com/WebRegistration.aspx This will help speed up the order creation process. You'll also be able to see your order in the system. In the near future we'll start offering ...
Recommended printer for printing on cardstock
Need to do some testing here but this one seems promising. Will stress test it once we receive it. https://www.amazon.com/Brother-Monochrome-HL-L2350DW-Two-Sided-Replenishment/dp/B0763WDSYZ/ref=psdc_172648_t1_B08LVR4Z4C
Lyft for Pickups (only recommended for emergencies)
We don't use Lyft for delivering projects since we can't guarantee the deliveries, but many of our clients use Lyft to pick up their own projects at their own risk. If you have a rush project printed and delivered the same day, we recommend placing ...
Courier and Messenger Service from Nonstop Printing
We offer messenger service for local deliveries with a trusted partner. They're a small but extremely reliable team that we count on. Since it's a small team here's what you can expect: same day delivery cut-off time is 12pm. That means we need to ...
What are the WINDOW letters for?
How do you pass on a complex, yet critical information at scale that also seems to change on the fly? Our WINDOW framework alleviates this challenge by discussing critical human aspects of a project that are absent from the invoice/quote. Here's an ...
If you keep these 4 general things in mind with every interaction, you will be set up for success for the vast majority of projects. As management, our aim will also to continually ask these questions so that we can take care of our clients. This all ...
Pricing Methedology
Nonstop Printing is an all-around printer. That means we make investments and systems that are designed to help people with a vast variety of products. Our clients find that they want to consolidate their print sources since we can take so much on ...
Recommended Vendors for Products that Nonstop Printing Does Not Offer
Oh no! It looks like you requested a service that we don't provide (Promotional products/quick copy services). It looks like we may not be the best fit for your project but that's no problem! Here’s a list of vendors that we like to recommend ...
How Nonstop Printing determines page count.
Client Provided Envelopes FAQ
How many extra envelopes does Nonstop Printing need if I want to use my own envelopes? Typically we need 40 extra minimum and 20% extra for the run. Examples: 100 final envelopes: We need 140 blanks 200 final envelopes: We need 240 blanks 300 final ...
Payment Terms
Payment is due before we begin producing your order. We require this since we need to order ink, paper, and custom produce each order we receive. We accept most credit card types: Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Capital One, etc. Large Order ...
Hours of Operation
Standard Operating Hours We're here during the weekdays! We have open office hours during Monday - Friday 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM If you're looking to visit to talk about a project, we have more info on Schedule a Visit to Nonstop Printing.
Visit Nonstop Printing
Visiting Hours If you're looking to drop by for a quick question or two it'd be best to visit from Monday-Friday 10:30am-5:00pm. This is when our team is fully staffed and our Customer Service Representatives can help with what questions or concerns ...